Friday, May 11, 2007

hey look, a real community...

Hi everyone on this blog,

Nicola's seedling seems to be growing... we at Cultivate don't want to let it die, so we are looking at setting aside a bit of time every week to add new blog entries and comment on existing entries. So, today, it's my job...

So, what's happening at Cultivate this week, who's doing what when and why? Ok, Martin is maxed out with publication design and the design for the new Cultivate website (yes, folks, we are going to have a new website, it's going pretty s-l-o-w-l-y at the moment because, well, Martin is maxed out with publication design and the design for the new website...) Erik is very excited because the Kaos Pilots are here in Cultivate working on roof top gardens (see their blog here). We have permission to use the roofs of the apartment complex across the street from the Cultivate Centre, I hope there will be some pictures to see soon.

Kathleen is preparing to give a gardening class for children in the courtyard tomorrow. She has amassed a small but potent army of empty jars for growing things in. It's been a pretty cold and cloudy week in Dublin so far - this is natural for a bank holiday - but we are hoping that it clears up tomorrow (she says she isn't but I think she's being modest).

Davie is working on the Education for Sustainable Development directory, the forthcoming Festival of World Cultures at Dun Laoghaire and the Electric Picnic. Josie is helping him with the directory. He needs help.

So it's fortuitous that Francesca (Francesca II) has come back!!! She was in India for six months, now she is back to help out with the Festival of World Cultures and the Electric Picnic. It's good to see her again.

Phil has lots and lots of inquiries and provisional (and actual) bookings for the Hall, she is snowed under and is getting an intern to help out. Alice is learning all about our partners at the Environmental and Sustainable Construction Association, because Rahim is leaving at the end of June. I don't know what Ben is doing.

Me, I'm doing this, trying to help Martin out with the website programming side, and giving a few basic HTML classes to new interns. We have seven interns at the moment, Annika from Sweden, Julie, Guillaume and Virginie from France, Kai from Germany, Martin from Spain and our last remaining Italian, Gianluca. Maybe you'll see them on this page soon, now that they're HTML experts (ahem).

Barbara is expecting a baby girl, Giulia, any time now...


Nic said...

oh yeah! good job Ray! I actually asked Erik to leave a post during these days.. he must be pretty busy too. Anyway, I believe this makes very much sense.. the way you guys in Cultivate decided to join this space. I actually thought it was quite useful, cause you've been working with those who are now hanging around this blog.. So, fair play.. I'm quite busy these days.. I still have to umpack my stuff!! (I really don't know where to put them!).. I'll be writing a post about the cultural shock I'm now facing in a couple of days! Geez.. I've been always saying to myself "never come back".. ah.. I knew that!!
Talk to you soon lads!

Blue Canary said...
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Nic said...

Cool.. good idea!
In any case, we're pretty much in the first stage I had in mind.. to know each other. Now that Francesca has arrived :) we can move further! I've been thinking to ask the people here to post a brief story. About what they want, really, no clue. The idea is to let them think about the sense of this blog. Indeed, everybody is supposed to write something they guess others are interested in. I'm gonna send a mail about this to everybody in some days.