Hi there!
I'm Stephanie, 23 years old, from Switzerland. I'm intern at Cultivate until the end of the month. Before that I studied Geography in Geneva, then I decided to take a break because I wanted to travel, see new places, meet new people, improve my English and go away from the "academic world" in which I was...
I really enjoy here because it's a place which I consider like corresponding as my ideas and values, a place where you are free to learn and work for what you are interested at most so it's really exciting.
I don't know exactly what I want to become later... but I think I'd like to work with children or teenagers, to educate them and make them sensitive to a sustainable way of life, to help them to build a more respectful world... Because children are the adults of tomorrow...
Otherwise I like a lot of things (ride by bike, play badminton, listen music, the swiss chocolate, ice-creams, to drink a beer playing cards in the sun with my friends, read, write poems and stories - only in french for the moment :-)) I'm a scout leader as well, so I can spend a lot of time in nature, far away from the dirty and noisy city (I hate cars!!) - but with lots of children shouting in my ears...
So, it's what I like... I think it's the most important to know about me for the moment... For the rest, we'll see...
1 comment:
Cool! I actually have been doing scout activity since last year! This is an amazing way to involve in sustainability within a community of people. We actually make sustainability by living together outdoor wild life, as well as by promoting solidarity! Unfortunately, scouts mostly come across as a slightly close-minded organization.. and thanx to a pretty much yankee stereotype scouts are also depicted either as narrow-minded or a bunch of looser!
Yeah, maybe to wear a uniform is not the better way to think at your community. It recall also not very pacifist ways to spread your thoughts! And maybe the whole organization (at least in Italy) should definitely split up with the church institution: If jesus christ was here today I'm pretty sure he would be quite disappointed with the vatican... He'd probably rather organize the Revolution himself.. which is what he was all about!
So.. I'd definitely like to carry on my commitment within scouts... but I don't wanna feel like I'm walking a narrow path. As most of you lads, I feel like my country is the whole world: I want my friends to be out there!
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