Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Vaffanculo Day!!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
A peer to peer Wi-Fi Community!

Monday, June 4, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
A Belated introduction...
Monday, May 28, 2007
Le chat vivant
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Cultivate your hearth!
The Meatrix
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Hi, sorry I am late

Meeting 19 May
Monday, May 14, 2007
Hello hello!

Friday, May 11, 2007
hey look, a real community...
Nicola's seedling seems to be growing... we at Cultivate don't want to let it die, so we are looking at setting aside a bit of time every week to add new blog entries and comment on existing entries. So, today, it's my job...
So, what's happening at Cultivate this week, who's doing what when and why? Ok, Martin is maxed out with publication design and the design for the new Cultivate website (yes, folks, we are going to have a new website, it's going pretty s-l-o-w-l-y at the moment because, well, Martin is maxed out with publication design and the design for the new website...) Erik is very excited because the Kaos Pilots are here in Cultivate working on roof top gardens (see their blog here). We have permission to use the roofs of the apartment complex across the street from the Cultivate Centre, I hope there will be some pictures to see soon.
Kathleen is preparing to give a gardening class for children in the courtyard tomorrow. She has amassed a small but potent army of empty jars for growing things in. It's been a pretty cold and cloudy week in Dublin so far - this is natural for a bank holiday - but we are hoping that it clears up tomorrow (she says she isn't but I think she's being modest).
Davie is working on the Education for Sustainable Development directory, the forthcoming Festival of World Cultures at Dun Laoghaire and the Electric Picnic. Josie is helping him with the directory. He needs help.
So it's fortuitous that Francesca (Francesca II) has come back!!! She was in India for six months, now she is back to help out with the Festival of World Cultures and the Electric Picnic. It's good to see her again.
Phil has lots and lots of inquiries and provisional (and actual) bookings for the Hall, she is snowed under and is getting an intern to help out. Alice is learning all about our partners at the Environmental and Sustainable Construction Association, because Rahim is leaving at the end of June. I don't know what Ben is doing.
Me, I'm doing this, trying to help Martin out with the website programming side, and giving a few basic HTML classes to new interns. We have seven interns at the moment, Annika from Sweden, Julie, Guillaume and Virginie from France, Kai from Germany, Martin from Spain and our last remaining Italian, Gianluca. Maybe you'll see them on this page soon, now that they're HTML experts (ahem).
Barbara is expecting a baby girl, Giulia, any time now...
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
I'm IN!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Green karma

Hi, I`m Guillaume, one of the new interns of cultivate. I`m from the smelling cheese and frog's country.
One word about me: I`m 28 (since yesterday), from Saint Etienne (France), I love playing guitar, taking photos, juggling, every kind of games or exhibitions and meet new peoples in different places or countries...
It`s the Leonardo program which allowed me to make this incredible internship in CULTIVATE and to take part of this great community. I love this place; its philosophy, its actions on the environment and the sustainable development and the way of life it is showing and teaching.
All this things are very important for me and that`s why I have studied this in university. I`m graduated in geography and now I have a post graduate in “environment/human interface” and another one in “landscape and rural development”.
This internship is a good way for me to meet interesting and open minded people, and to have a working experience (to find, one day, a job in this field). The last year I have worked some month in Barcelona in an urbanism and town planning company and now I`m here to learn about a different points of view.
After this experience here I`ll try to find a job in any country ( I would like a lot in Spain or Italy) on environment and sustainable development. So if someone have a job for a motivated person (me)... I also have a website (but which needs to be updated): http://guillaume.sciaux.free.fr/
Thanks Nico for this blog: It's a good idea to keep in touch with the cultivate`s community. Sorry for my bad English but I`m also here to improve it...
Friday, April 20, 2007
Cheers from Italy
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
From Trash to Treasure
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Cheers from Poland!